Thursday, April 5, 2012

Malifaux Terrain Progress Part II

I made some progress on my terrain pieces recently. I got the mid-tone and highlight applied to all six pieces and I'm very pleased with the results. The next day my girlfriend and I went for a hike and found some very nice rocks for making terrain pieces with. I was really pleased with how the boulder pieces turned out but I decided that I wanted to make more of them to use with Legends of the Old West. I want to make them look a bit more like desert terrain and I even have two of those Woodland Scenic desert terrain sets. They have about fifteen or so plastic cacti in them. All I have to do to finish the last three terrain pieces is to mix up the batch of colored flocking I want to use. There are actually three colors - grey for the dead zone, purple for the magic nexus and orange for the hazardous terrain. I'm going to use the Rubbishinrubbishout method and I'll put up a post afterward. In the mean time... pictures!

four down two to go!

All done with the highlights!

The boulder pieces are flocked! I plan to do three more with a desert scheme.

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